



Published in international peer-reviewed journals. (for other publications, see below)




[J60] Eventual ideal properties of the Riemann-Liouville analytic semigroup (with I. Alam, I. Chalendar, F. El Chami, E. Fricain ; a.k.a. S.Goriliha).

Submitted. Preprint on HAL.

[J59] Volterra operator on Bergman spaces of Dirichlet series (with C. Gόmez-Cabello, H. Queffélec).

Submitted. Preprint on ArXiv

[J58] Integration type operators and point evaluation on weighted Bergman spaces of Dirichlet series (with C. Gόmez-Cabello, H. Queffélec).

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. To appear. Preprint on ArXiv

[J57] On some questions about composition operators on weighted Hardy spaces (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Pure and Applied Functional Analysis. To appear. Preprint on HAL. Preprint on ArXiv

[J56] Some operator ideals properties of Volterra operators on Bergman and Bloch spaces (with J.Jreis).

Integral Equations Operator Theory 96 (2024), no. 1. See paper on HAL

[J55] Absolutely summing Carleson embeddings on Bergman spaces (with B.He, J.Jreis, Z.Lou).

Advances in Mathematics. (2024) vol 439. HAL.Available on Elsevier web page : and pdf for free on elsevier

[J54] Characterization of weighted Hardy spaces on which all composition operators are bounded (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Analysis & PDE. To appear. Preprint sur HAL . Preprint sur ArXiv.

[J53] Compactification and decompactification by weights on Bergman spaces (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

J. Math. Anal. Appl. 513 (2022), no. 2, Paper No. 126212. Preprint sur HAL

[J52] Absolutely summing composition operators on Bloch type spaces (with T. Farès).

J. Operator Theory 88 (2022) no2, 407–443 See paper on HAL

[J51] Comparison of singular numbers of composition operators (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

J. Funct. Analysis 280 (2021), no 3.

[J50] Compactification, and beyond, of composition operators on Hardy spaces by weights (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Math. 46 (2021) no1 43-57.

[J49] Weighted discrete Hardy's inequalities.

Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, Volume 75, pages 1153–1157, (2023). See on HAL or on Ukr. Math. J.

[J48] A short direct proof of the discrete Hardy inequality.

Archiv der Mathematik, 114(2) 2020, 195-198 . See the view-on-line version ofthe paper and Version finale publiée sur

[J47] Hardy-Orlicz spaces of Dirichlet series: an interpolation problem on abscissae of convergence (with M. Bailleul and L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2021 no19, 14743–14760.

[J46] Nuclear composition operators on Bloch spaces (with T. Farès).

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 148, No 6 (2020), 2487–2496. Read on line

[J45] Asymptotic isometries for lacunary Müntz spaces and applications. (with L. Gaillard).

Integral Equations Operator Theory 91 (2019), no 2. 17pp

[J44] Essential norms of Cesàro operators on Lp and Cesàro spaces (with I. AlAlam, L. Gaillard, G.Habib, F. Maalouf).

J. Math. Anal. Appl. 467 (2018), no2, 1038-1065. Download on HAL

[J43] Müntz spaces and special Bloch type inequalities.

Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 63 (2018) no7-8. 1082–1099. Special issue dedicated to 130th anniversary of Vladimir I. Smirnov. Download on HAL

[J42] Embeddings of Müntz spaces in L) (with I. Al Alam).

Canadian Bull. Math. Volume 62, Issue 1 (2019), 1-9.

[J41] Representing systems generated by reproducing kernels (with E. Fricain and Lê Hai Khoi).

Indagationes Math. 29 (2018), no. 3, 860–872.

[J40] Müntz spaces as model spaces (with E. Fricain).

Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 13 (2019), no. 1, 127–139. ( Download on ArXiv

[J39] Lacunary Müntz spaces: isomorphisms and Carleson embeddings (with L. Gaillard).

Annales Institut Fourier, Vol. 68 no. 5 (2018), 2215-2251. Download on HAL or on ArXiv

[J38b] Absolutely summing Carleson embeddings on Hardy spaces (with L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Advances in Mathematics, 340 (2018) , 528-587. Download on HAL or on ArXiv or the temporary share link

[J38a] Plongements de Carleson absolument sommants (with L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) 354, issue 12 (2016) 1209–1213. Available on

[J37] Essential norms of Volterra and Cesàro operators on Müntz spaces (with I. AlAlam, G.Habib, F. Maalouf).

Colloquium Mathematicum. 151 (2018) no2, 157-169. Preprint available on HAL or Arxiv

[J36] The Volterra operator is finitely strictly singular from L1 to L.

Journal of Approximation Theory 214 (2017), 1-8. Download on HAL or on the website of J.A.T.:

[J35] The Blum-Hanson property for C(K) spaces (with E. Matheron).

Pacific Journal of Math. 282 (2016) no1, 203–212. Download on HAL

[J34] Smoothness, asymptotic smoothness and the Blum-Hanson property (with E. Matheron, A. Primot).

Israel Journal of Math. 211 (2016) no1, 271-309.Download on HAL

[J33] Some Banach spaces of Dirichlet series (with M. Bailleul).

Studia Math. 226 (1) (2015), 17-55. Download on HAL

[J32] Approximation numbers of composition operators on the Dirichlet space (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Arkiv för Matematik, 53 (2015), 155–175 .Download on HAL

[J31] Essential norms of weighted composition operators on L1 Müntz spaces (with I. Al Alam).

Serdica Math. J. Volume 40, No 3−42 (2014) p. 241-260.

[J30] A remark on the geometry of spaces of functions with prime frequencies (with E. Matheron, O. Ramare).

Acta Math. Hungarica 143 (2014), no1, 75-80 .Download on HAL

[J29] Compact composition operators on the Dirichlet space and capacity of sets of contact points (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

J. Funct. Analysis 624 (2013) no 4, 895–919. Download on ArXiv

[J28] Finitely strictly singular operators in harmonic analysis and function theory. (with L. Rodríguez-Piazza)

Advances in Math. 255 (2014), 119–152.

[J27] Some new properties of composition operators associated with lens maps. (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza)

Israel J. Math 195 (2013), no2, 801–824. Download on HAL

[J26] The canonical injection of the Hardy-Orlicz space Hψ into the Bergman-Orlicz space Bψ. (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza)

Studia Math. 202 (2011), 123-144. Download on HAL

[J25] Compact composition operators on weighted Hilbert spaces of functions (with K. Kellay)

Journ. Math. Anal. Appl. Vol 386 (2012) 718-727.Download on HAL

[J24] Some revisited results about composition operators on Hardy spaces (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Revista Mat. Iberoamericana 28 (1) (2012), 57 – 76. [doi: 10.4171/rmi/666]. . Download on ArXiv

[J23] Compact composition operators on Bergman-Orlicz spaces (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 365 (2013), 3943-3970 . Download on ArXiv

[J22] When strict singularity of operators coincides with weak compactness.

J. Operator Theory. Vol 67 (2012), no 2,  pp. 369-378.Download on HAL

[J21] Nevanlinna counting function and Carleson function of analytic maps (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Math Annalen 351, no2 (2011), 305-326 .Download on ArXiv

[J20] Thin sets of integers in Harmonic analysis and p-stable random Fourier series (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Journal d'Analyse Math. vol 115 no 1 (2011) 187-211 .Download on ArXiv

[J19] Compact composition operators on H2 and Hardy-Orlicz spaces (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Journ. Math. Anal. Appl. 354 (2009), 360-371

[J18] Some examples of compact composition operators on H2 (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Journal Funct. Analysis, Volume 255, Issue 11(2008), 3098-3124 .

[J17] Essential norms of weighted composition operators on the space H of Dirichlet series.

Studia Math., 191, No. 1, 57-66 (2009) .

[J16] Generalized essential norm of weighted composition operators on some uniform algebras of analytic functions.

Integral Equations and Operator Theory 63 (2009), 557-569. preprint

[J15] Invariant means and thin sets in harmonic analysis with applications to prime numbers. (with L. Rodríguez-Piazza)

J. London Math. Soc. 2009 80: 72-84 . preprint

[J14a] Composition operators on Hardy-Orlicz spaces. (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Memoirs of the AMS 207 (2010), pp. 1-88. preprint (pdf)

[J14b] Composition operators on Hardy-Orlicz spaces. (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 344, No. 1, 5-10 (2007)

[J13] A criterion of weak compactness for operators on subspaces of Orlicz spaces. (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

J. Funct. Spaces and Appl. Vol. 6, Number 3 (2008), 277-292. preprint (pdf)

[J12] Weak compactness and Orlicz spaces (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Colloq. Math. 112 (2008), 23-32.

[J11] On the structure of spaces of uniformly convergent Fourier series. (with L. Rodríguez-Piazza)

Math. Annalen 338 (2007), 11-31.

[J10] The union of Riesz set and a Lust-Piquard set is a Riesz set. (with L. Rodríguez-Piazza)

Journal Funct. Analysis 233 (2006), no. 2, 545-560.

[J9] Some characterizations of weakly compact operators on H and on the disk algebra. Application to composition operators.

J. Operator Th 54 (2005) no2, 229-238.

[J8] Some new rich subspaces of C. Applications.

Bull. Sci. Math 128 (9) 2004, 789-801.

[J7] Some translation invariant Banach function spaces which contain c0. (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Studia Math. 163(2) 2004, 137-155.

[J6] p-Rider sets are q-Sidon sets. (with L. Rodríguez-Piazza)

Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131(2003) 1829-1838.

[J5] Lacunary Sets and Function Spaces with finite cotype. (with D. Li, H. Queffélec, L. Rodríguez-Piazza).

Journal Funct. Analysis 188 (2002) 272-291.

[J4] Some remarks on Quasi-Cohen sets. (with D. Li)

Colloquium Math. 89 (2001) 169-178.

[J3] Topological dichotomy and unconditional convergence.

Serdica Mathematical Journal 25 (1999) 297-310.

[J2] Measures and lacunary sets.

Studia Mathematica 133-2(1999) 145-161.

[J1] On some properties of the class of stationary sets.

Colloquium Mathematicum 76(1998) 1-18. Download on HAL


Other publications.

[Surv2] Composition operators on Hardy spaces (survey). Advanced Courses of Mathematical Analysis VI (Proceedings of the Sixth International School). January 2017, 87-112 .

[Surv1] Sur les ensembles de convergence uniforme (survey). Publications Mathématiques d'Orsay 94-24 (1994)

[Sem2] Mesures et ensembles lacunaires. Publications Mathématiques de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Année 1998/99)

[Sem1] Ensembles stationnaires de Pisier et ensembles lacunaires. Publications Mathématiques de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Année 1996/97)

[Th1] Thèse de doctorat (1998): Ensembles lacunaires en analyse harmonique et géométrie des espaces de Banach.

[Th2] Thèse d'Habilitation à Diriger des travaux de Recherches (2006): Ensembles minces en analyse harmonique, opérateurs de composition et compacité faible. Download (pdf)

[Ens1] Problèmes de Mathématiques générales pour l'Agrégation: corrigés des sujets 1989-98. Edité chez Masson. En collaboration avec O. Guédon, S. Marie, O. Sellès.


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